3 Crucial Things To Decide Before Installing A Burglar Alarm System
Do you feel like you live in an unsafe neighborhood? Are you wishing that you could move but you simply can't do that at the moment? Although moving seems like such a simple answer, you're not alone if you are unable to relocate due to finances or to familial obligations. Fortunately, being unable to move doesn't mean that you must feel unsafe in your own home. Having an alarm system installed will give you more security and peace of mind. But before you go out and get the first system you find, there are some things that you need to consider first:
Installation costs: While you can find some systems that are a self-install, the most secure burglar alarms are those where a professional comes out to do the installation for you. This ensures that all of the equipment is properly placed and will provide notification in the event of a break-in. You might well be able to do this yourself, but having a professional do it for you will provide an extra layer of assurance and security. Some alarm systems come with the installation cost included in the purchase price while others tack on the installation as an additional fee. You'll need to figure out which system is which before you can properly compare the prices.
Monitoring service: With some burglar alarms, all they do is play a loud sound when someone breaks in. This can be a great deterrent for some burglars, but won't faze others. With a monitored system, the service may do nothing but notify you in the event of a potential break-in. Unfortunately, this may not be helpful if you are unreachable for some reason, such as your phone being off or that you're at work. If you are honestly worried about a potential burglary, you'll want to look for a monitoring service that will both notify you and contact the police if and when you're unable to immediately answer the phone.
Connection type: There are burglar alarms out there that will require a landline phone in the house, in order to be able to contact the monitoring service. There are also newer systems out there that have a cell-type connection and need no standard phone line. Both of these options have advantages and disadvantages. The second one is obviously a poor choice if you live in an area that has spotty cell phone coverage - the alarm might not be able to make a connection if there is a break-in. On the other hand, having a hardwired connection is something that can be a hassle to have installed in your home. You'll have to look at the various advantages and disadvantages of a cell phone vs. hard-wired connection and decide which one is most advantageous for your home.
If you want to learn more, then click here for more information.